Getting Started with mist command

The mist command line tool gets installed alongside mist.client package.

mist will prompt for your mist email and password. At the end it will ask you to create a config file ~/.mist. By having the config file you’ll be able to use mist command without providing your credentials every time. The config file will look like this:




In case you have a private installation of you can change the mist_uri to point to your custom url

To see your accounts’ specific information:

mist user info


User Details:
| country | company_name | number_of_servers |     name     | number_of_people |
|  Greece |     Mist     |        1-5        | John Doe     |       1-5        |

Current Plan:
| machine_limit | promo_code |  title  |         started          | isTrial | has_expired |         expiration        |
|       20      |            | Startup | Mon Oct 28 18:49:50 2013 |   True  |    False    | Mon Jun 24 19:41:35 29393 |
|               |            |         |                          |         |             |                           |

General Usage

The command line tool is used as mist <action> <target> [--extra-params...]

A few examples of actions and targets:

List backends, machines, keys:

  • mist list
mist list providers

Display specific information:

  • mist show
mist show backend --name EC2NorthEast

Add new backends, keys:

  • mist add
mist add backend --name EC2 --provider ec2_ap_northeast --key IUOOLK9098OLIU --secret sahkjlhadoiu098098lLKlkjlkj

Create a new machine:

  • mist create
mist create machine --name dbServer


  • mist delete
mist delete backend --id 3aJoiuYB9mpEHKJsqLdm1Z9p