
Before you can provision a machine, you have to know some data that are necessary for the creation of a machine. Every backend has different OS Images, locations, machine sizes. You can list all the available options after you have chosen a backend:

backend = client.backend_from_name("NephoScale")


You can list all available OS Images in a backend:


This will return a list of all available images. From the desired image you will need the image’s id in order to create a machine with that image:

[{u'extra': {u'architecture': u'x86',
   u'billable_type': None,
   u'cores': None,
   u'disks': None,
   u'pcpus': None,
   u'storage': None,
   u'uri': u''},
  u'id': u'3',
  u'name': u'Linux CentOS 5.5 32-bit',
  u'star': True},
 {u'extra': {u'architecture': u'x86_64',
   u'billable_type': None,
   u'cores': None,
   u'disks': None,
   u'pcpus': None,
   u'storage': None,
   u'uri': u''},
  u'id': u'5',
  u'name': u'Linux CentOS 5.5 64-bit',
  u'star': True},
 {u'extra': {u'architecture': u'x86',
   u'billable_type': None,
   u'cores': None,
   u'disks': None,
   u'pcpus': None,
   u'storage': None,
   u'uri': u''},
  u'id': u'23',
  u'name': u'Linux Debian Server 5.05 32-bit',
  u'star': True},
 {u'extra': {u'architecture': u'x86',
   u'billable_type': None,
   u'cores': None,
   u'disks': None,
   u'pcpus': None,
   u'storage': None,
   u'uri': u''},
  u'id': u'43',
  u'name': u'Linux Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS 32-bit',
  u'star': True},
 {u'extra': {u'architecture': u'x86',
   u'billable_type': None,
   u'cores': None,
   u'disks': None,
   u'pcpus': None,
   u'storage': None,
   u'uri': u''},
  u'id': u'45',
  u'name': u'Linux CentOS 5.7 32-bit',
  u'star': True},
 {u'extra': {u'architecture': u'x86_64',
   u'billable_type': None,
   u'cores': None,
   u'disks': None,
   u'pcpus': None,
   u'storage': None,
   u'uri': u''},
  u'id': u'49',
  u'name': u'Linux Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS 64-bit',
  u'star': True},
 {u'extra': {u'architecture': u'x86_64',
   u'billable_type': None,
   u'cores': None,
   u'disks': None,
   u'pcpus': None,
   u'storage': None,
   u'uri': u''},
  u'id': u'51',
  u'name': u'Linux Debian Server 6.0.3 64-bit',
  u'star': True},
 {u'extra': {u'architecture': u'x86_64',
   u'billable_type': None,
   u'cores': None,
   u'disks': None,
   u'pcpus': None,
   u'storage': None,
   u'uri': u''},
  u'id': u'55',
  u'name': u'Linux Debian 5.0.9 64-bit',
  u'star': True}]

image_id = backend.images[0]['id']

You also have the option to search for an image. Especially in EC2 backends, the result of the search will include community and public images:



To list available machine sizes for the chosen backend:


From the list of all available sizes, you’ll also need the id of the desired size:

[{u'bandwidth': None,
  u'disk': 25,
  u'driver': u'NephoScale',
  u'id': u'219',
  u'name': u'CS05-SSD - 0.5GB, 1Core, 25GB, 10 Gbps',
  u'price': None,
  u'ram': 512},
 {u'bandwidth': None,
  u'disk': 25,
  u'driver': u'NephoScale',
  u'id': u'221',
  u'name': u'CS1-SSD - 1GB, 1Core, 25GB, 10 Gbps',
  u'price': None,
  u'ram': 1024},

size_id = backend.sizes[0]['id']


Some backends have different locations for you to provision a machine to. You can list them:


From the list of available locations, you’ll need the id of the desired location:

[{u'country': u'US', u'id': u'86945', u'name': u'SJC-1'},
 {u'country': u'US', u'id': u'87729', u'name': u'RIC-1'}]

location_id = backend.locations[0]

Create machines

In order to create a machine you basically need to have chosen a backend, a key, image_id, location_id, size_id and a name for the machine:

backend.create_machine(name="production.server", key=key, image_id=image_id, location_id=location_id, size_id=size_id)

In some backends some extra information is needed. You can see mist.client.model.Backend.create_machine method for more details.

Machine actions

You can see a list of all your created machines for a given backend:


You can choose one:

machine = backend.machines[machine_id]

Or you can choose a machine by providing the machine’s id, name or public_ip:

machine = backend.machine_from_ip("")
machine = backend.machine_from_name("prodServer1')
machine = backend.machine_from_id("i-7983873")

You can also use the overloaded function backend.search_machine("search_term") by providing either id, name or ip and it will return the first machine instance that it finds with a matching id, name or ip.

Machines support actions like:


After creating a machine, the machine may take some time to be up and running. You can see that by using machine.probe(). Machine probe, if successful will show that the machine is up and running and that the key association was successful. It will also return some useful information about the machine like the machine’s uptime etc.

In case you want, you can associate another ssh-key to the machine, provided you have uploaded that key to service:

machine.associate_key(key_id, host="")

The host of the machine can be found in the[‘public_ips’] list. You can also provide two more parameters. ssh_user and ssh_port.